Friday, 5 February 2016

Transcription - Final Piece

I was inspired by a piece from The Big Bang Data exhibition in Somerset House, the piece called 'The Others', it was a collection of images stolen/hacked from other computers - this reminded me of the iCloud Celebrity Nude photos hacking scandal earlier last year (2015). I decided that I was going to film my class while they weren't looking, but when I went to film there wasn't really anyone around to be filmed. I think that for this to be successful, I needed to have filmed for a long time. I felt nervous filming people that I knew and felt like I was betraying them of their personal space. For this to be successful I think I should film people I don't know, more CCTV style so people don't know if they're being filmed and I get more realistic reactions, rather than people noticing the camera on the desk.  I think that the sound is realistic, if you concentrate, you can hear certain phrases, but because of the lack of visual you can't see who is saying what. I think that I felt what the artists must've felt: guilty, betrayal and more guilt. I think that filming people while they are unaware is still an interesting concept, no one changes their behaviour and you see a new sense of realism, but I don't think that this project was as successful as the original idea due to the guilt I felt with filming people without their consent or knowledge. To improve, I would research busier locations like London or a shopping centre and strategically place the camera so no one could see at an angle that you could see the subjects.

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