Monday, 14 September 2015

14/9/15 - Identity photos

These are a selection of photographs I have chosen to represent my identity.

Bradley - He is the person I've known the longest, with Bradley there wouldn't be Lauren. Bradley was my womb mate and is my twin brother. Every childhood memory I have is with Bradley. We have been with each other through every step of the way, GCSE's, A Levels. Attending University, this is the first time we've really ever been apart.
 Nandos - After researching into the social identity theory and discovering that we create social rivals in order to make ourselves feel better, it was after this that I had the thought that experiences can also define our identity, experiences with overcoming illness or drugs, climbing the Tower of London - but also the things we haven't experienced. I have never been to a Nandos, and most people think that it's weird. It's a part of my identity, but an example of something that can easily be changed.
 The Apple brand to me, represents creativity. I think I am creative, through art and film. But this picture of my macbook also represents how hard I work to get something I want - it shows how determined I am to get something and further my career in film - I saved up months worth of Mcdonalds wages to buy it.
My Nike Scar - This photograph represents my imperfections, there's alot of imperfections that couldn't fit into one photograph hence just this photo. I burnt myself (at Mcdonalds) with a fry basket that formed this scar in the shape of the Nike symbol. I also convinced that if I tattoo 'Just Do It' next to the scar that Nike will pay me for advertisement space.
Sky - This is the view outside of my bedroom window, which I see everyday. I have spent 16/17 years in this house, in Welling. Welling is where my mum grew up so it's very much a part of my identity.

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